
It’s OK To Want To Look Good

Unpopular opinion (apparently):
Having a fitness goal around how your body looks is totally fine.


Once upon a time people did literally anything to achieve the body they wanted, to the point of harming themselves physically and psychologically, and this was the norm.


In response to this, the fitness industry shifted its focus as a whole from aesthetic to holistic, making overall health the priority.


This is a GREAT thing.


But somewhere along the way, the narrative transformed. It went from promoting health and wellness to shaming people for having what many consider “vain goals” such as wanting to look a particular way.


And because of this, people are starting to feel like it’s a bad thing to have an aesthetic fitness goal.


Having worked with hundreds of clients over the last decade of being a fitness professional, I’ve come to the understanding that having goals around an aesthetic can be perfectly fine if pursued in a healthy manner.

In fact, having aesthetic goals can help with program adherence!


The important thing to remember is that “in a healthy manner” thing I said.


Because let’s be honest… we all KNOW that our overall health is important, but for a lot of us that’s just not motivating enough to stick to anything long term.


And if you know that’s how you operate, setting your sights on an aesthetic goal can keep you locked in on consistency.


I’m the perfect example.

I know for a fact that staying healthy and taking care of my body is mandatory.

But if I’m being honest, that just doesn’t do it for me.

I haven’t faced any debilitating health issues so the motivation to be proactive is there (I mean, I am a fitness professional), but that goal just isn’t exciting


It definitely isn’t as exciting as getting ripped and shredded.

When I accepted that as my actual goal, and made very clear boundaries as to what I was and wasn’t willing to do to get ripped and shredded, it lit a fire under me to stay on my shit.


And once I started seeing results, IT WAS A WRAP!


I liken these types of goals to having materialistic or superficial goals.

Its become almost socially unacceptable to aspire to want a particular car, or a nicer home, or even large amounts of money.

But at the end of the day, if you’re not harming anyone (or yourself) in the pursuit of these things and you’re enjoying the process along the way, who’s to say whether its right or wrong?


That’s the key though… sure, getting those things may or may not actually make you “happy”, but if it fires you up and keeps you pushing towards it daily…




In this week’s episode of the VXG Podcast, I go into deeper detail about this perspective perspective.


I offer an alternative take on these types of goals that may change the way you view them while giving you permission to seek out what makes you happy.


Take a listen below and subscribe on your favorite platform!

Picture of Curtis "Dubblup" Washington

Curtis "Dubblup" Washington

VIP Fitness Coach

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